About The Career Center

The Cuyamaca College Career Center 学生服务和教学之间是否有合作关系. We provide career and employment 为学生、校友和社区成员提供指导和咨询. Some of our free 服务包括职业咨询、专业发展研讨会、求职 援助,职业资源,招聘会等等.

Mission Statement

Career Center Team

Career Education




Career Counseling

与我们的职业顾问Lena Heckbert会面,她会为你的选择提供专家指导 专业,制定职业行动计划,进行职业研究,设定职业 goals for students. 与莉娜讨论你的职业抱负,并寻求帮助 为你的教育计划选择合适的课程. Not sure if a career counseling session is what you need? 探索下面的选项以获得指导,如果你没有 找一个完全合适的,没有问题的预约,我们会确保你收到 the support you need here at the Career Center.


Common Appointment Types:

  • 你在选择自己有信心的专业时是否在寻求支持? 
  • 你修过与你感兴趣的专业相关的课程吗? 
  • 你是否觉得表达自己的爱好、价值观或主题很有挑战性 your attention? 
  • 你是否已经选择了专业,并且很喜欢课程,但是想知道要从事什么职业 connect to that major? 
  • 你是否喜欢某些课程或专业的其他部分,但仍然有疑问 whether it's the best fit? 
  • 你是否选择了至少一个学期以上与你的专业相关的课程 你想要改变,但不确定那是什么样子? 
  • 你是否对自己的专业感到兴奋,并期待着更多的挑战? 
  • 你对未来的职业选择还有什么疑问吗 activities to learn more? 
  • 你是否在想今天该如何做准备来帮助你更接近成功 your long term goals? 

Schedule a Career Counseling Appointment:

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Schedule an Appointment


Items to discuss with a Career Counselor include: 

  • Career research, guidance, and academic counseling
  • Choosing a major to match a career
  • Goal Setting
  • 职业评估和解释,帮助选择专业
  • Exploring career resources




如果你找不到合适的时间与我们的职业顾问尝试 connecting with a counselor in General Counseling 


Items to discuss with a Counselor include: 

  •  Career research, guidance, and academic counseling
  •   Choosing a major to match a career
  •   职业评估和解释,帮助选择专业
  •   Exploring career resources


    Appointments are done virtually at this time.*


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Career Skills and Job Placement Assistance

就业中心为库亚马卡学院的学生提供支持和就业准备培训 and alumni through:

  • Individual career coaching

  • Workshops on campus

  • Classroom presentations

  • Employment events

We also offer support in:

  • Your job and career search

  • Networking skills

  • Resume and cover letter reviews

  • Interviewing techniques

  • Developing 21st Century Skills.

For more information, visit the Job Placement web page or contact 


Job Board for Employers and Students

Handshake logo


Activate your Handshake Student Account today and find your next job! 

Workshops and Events

Workshops and Events


库亚马卡就业中心举办了许多研讨会和活动,以帮助学生更好 寻找,面试,并获得下一个职位. All workshops and events can be found and registered for on Handshake. 


Workshop topics include:

  • Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

  • Interview Skills and Professional Communication

  • Personal Branding and Networking

  • Resume and Cover Letter Preparation

Career Fairs

我们的就业中心在整个学年举办多次招聘会,为学生提供 雇主们也有了更亲密、更方便的联系方式. Our fairs offer: 


  1. Personal Connections: 在更私人的场合与潜在雇主联系.

  2. Diverse Opportunities: 探索各种就业选择,包括永久职位,兼职 工作,以及大学毕业后职业探索的机会.

  3. Tailored Experience: 我们的小型展会确保有针对性和量身定制的经验,让您做出 the most of your time and interactions.

无论你是在寻找长期工作,兼职工作,或者只是想探索 潜在的职业道路,我们量身定制的招聘会是专为满足您的独特 needs.


If you are a student who wants 更多关于我们下次招聘会的信息,请直接查看我们即将到来的招聘会 on Handshake!


If you are an employer who wants to participate 在即将到来的展会上,请正规网赌软件推荐的就业案例经理Malena Medrano at Malena.Medrano@gcccd.edu



Free Career Resources:

Career Exploration & Research

Career Coach

浏览职业,程序或采取职业评估发现圣地亚哥和帝国 与你的兴趣相匹配的乡村职业道路. Search results will include occupations, wage information, and related training's.


What Can I Do With This Major

自信地驾驭你的学术之旅 What Can I Do With This Major platform featuring 100 major profiles. Gain insights into potential career paths, 找出在你的领域招聘的雇主类型,并找出最大化的策略 your opportunities. 使用WCIDWTM作为您的路线图来做出明智的决策和发现 exciting possibilities.


My Next Move

这是一个免费的政府网站,不需要密码. Discover what your interests are by completing an interest assessment and how they relate to the world of work. This site is also available in Spanish. My Next Move also offers a version tailored to Veterans


California Career Zone

发现并确定你的兴趣,技能,工作价值观,并匹配职业基础 on your individual financial needs. Research various occupations and how to pursue it!


Roadtrip Nation

从电子游戏设计师到律师,从体育记者到STEM专业人士, and everything in between. These stories form the basis of Roadtrip Nation的职业探索产品,包括教育课程,个性化的在线 工具、视频内容、畅销书和现场活动. Together, these tools create 多样化和相关的资源集合,向年轻人展示了广阔的范围 of careers and possibilities.



ONET是您获得职业见解的首选资源. Imagine a comprehensive database 通过对不同领域的工作人员的调查不断更新——这就是ONET! O*NET OnLine是一个交互式平台,专为帮助您探索和搜索 potential careers. 


The Occupational Outlook Handbook

了解有关职业前景和薪水的信息. Click on the occupation field 你感兴趣的职位,你会看到职位描述,学历要求, salary and outlook. Figures on salary and outlook are national figures. 



了解当地社区大学项目在圣地亚哥县,相关的职业 pathways, and salaries.



Career Guides

GoGovernment- Federal Jobs

这不是一个政府运营的网站,但它确实有关于联邦工作的信息 以及目前可用的实习机会和职业指导.




弄清楚你所选择的职业的薪水是多少. The salary wizard calculates your salary based on geographical area. Links to job boards are included.





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Apply and Enroll Academic  Calendar Catalog
Enroll Academic Calendar Catalog
Resources and
Financial Aid Counseling
Resources and Events Financial Aid Speak with a Counselor